Whistle Blower Policy -
Our Whistleblower Policy allows employees to report any instance of unethical behaviour, actual or suspected fraud or violation of our code of conduct without fear of reproach.
Code of Conduct -
A company's code of conduct reflects the daily operations, core values, and culture. At more, all the members of the senior management are dedicated towards the growth and learning of its employees while delivery the best quality to our customers.
CSR Policy -
Reaching out to underserved communities is part of our DNA at more and we believe that we have a firm responsibility to our stakeholders and society as a corporate entity.
POSH Policy -
Our Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy is designed to protect women and promote a healthy work culture at more.
Quality Policy -
Our stringent quality policy enables us to put quality first every time and in everything we do. It helps us deliver only the best for our customers.
Food Safety Policy -
We strive to deliver products that meet all the regulatory and statutory requirements of food safety.
Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Policy -
The OHS Policy safeguards the health and safety of all our employees while they’re at the workplace.